Adult Sunday Studies

Confessional Theology

Confessional Theology

Confessional Theology

The primary aim of this course in confessional theology is to assist the student (seeker and/or believer) in constructing that kind of holistic worldview that is thoroughly informed by what the Christian scriptures principally teach. Our method is confessional. The confessional method is distinguished from systematic, historical, philosophical, or even social theologies, if also sharing in some elements inherent to each of them. It is at the end an exercise of faith formation that will consider the related topics as from the vantage point of divine revelation intended for people of faith. It therefore involves reading the bible communally as revealed not only to individuals, but to that organic body of Christ described as the “pillar and bulwark of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). Such communal interpretation has the advantage of transcending any one geo-political/historical expression. It is an attempt to understand God’s revelation in scripture aided by that consensus of the church across the ages. Our primary source will be within Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF), one historical expression of the catholic faith.

A secondary aim of this course is to satisfy one of the prerequisite courses toward becoming a CPC Sunday school teacher, community/discipleship group facilitator, elder, and women's leadership board member.