Forms and Handbooks
Prayer Request Form
You may use this form to submit a prayer request directly to the administrator. Prayer requests are shared with our congregation in a weekly email and are prayed through by our staff.
Building Use Request Form
All uses of the building for members and non-members must be requested through our Building Use Form. If you would like to use the CPC Sanctuary or other room(s) for an event, please initiate your request by filling out this form. Someone will be in touch regarding availability and whether or not usage has been approved. If a CPC Member is serving as a sexton for their own event, or another's, please review the Sexton Responsibilities.
Building Use Fees and Policies
Read through our Building Use Fees and Policies for rates and guidelines on building usage.
Certificate of Insurance (COI) Request Form
The purpose of this form is to provide proof of insurance coverage requested by an outside entity where we are holding a church-sponsored activity. This could include such places as another church, camp, music venue, conference center, town facility, etc. Please submit as much information when completing the form, realizing that our insurer Church Mutual may come back with additional questions. Hence, the more lead-time prior to the event the better.
Reimbursement Form
In order to be reimbursed for a church expense that you paid for with personal funds, you must fill out a Reimbursement Form, include all necessary receipts, and email it to
Direct Expense Form
If you require CPC to provide money for an expense beforehand, you must submit a Direct Expense Form to If you are requesting funds over $600, then a W9 must also be obtained from the service provider and submitted along with your form.
Mileage Reimbursement Form
If you are requesting mileage reimbursement, please use the form attached and email it to Please review the IRS Guidelines for keeping a mileage log here.
Tax Exempt Form
Please use our Tax Exempt letter and Cert 119 when making a purchase on behalf of the church. Please email to request a digital copy.
Mercy Fund Application
The primary and first level of mercy assistance begins at the small group level where needs are most readily discerned and the individual dynamics understood in coordination with the small group coordinator. When assistance exceeds the ability of the small group, then the small group coordinator contacts the CPC Mercy coordinator who will consult with the Sr. Pastor and develop a plan for addressing the need. In the case of financial assistance, this application should be filled out and returned to our administrator. Or you may submit the application through an online form here.
Life Event Support Initiative
As the body of Christ, we desire to support members during major life transitions or events in ways consistent with being the family of God. Showering members with prayer in contexts of communal celebrations or grieving can be a great blessing, witness, and support to members in a way that makes tangible Christ's promise "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Heb.13:5). During Christ's ascension ministry, we know that this promise is no less true given Christ's presence as mediated through the body of Christ on earth that renders the words of Christ in Matthew just prior to his ascension all the more realistic, "Behold, I am with you until the end of the age" (Mt 28:20). To learn more, refer to section 7.9 in the Leadership Handbook below.
Leadership Handbook
The Leadership Handbook provides information related to leadership including CPC policies and expectations.
Scripture Reader Guidelines
Please refer to the Scripture Reader Guidelines when reading scripture during a worship service for information about reading and the microphone/lectern.